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defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit();
if ( ! class_exists( 'WC_Braintree_Advanced_Settings_API' ) ) {
class WC_Braintree_Descriptor_Settings extends WC_Braintree_Advanced_Settings_API {
public function __construct() {
$this->id = 'braintree_descriptor';
$this->tab_title = __( 'Descriptor Settings', 'woo-payment-gateway' );
$this->braintree_documentation_id = 'descriptor-settings';
public function init_form_fields() {
$this->form_fields = apply_filters(
'descriptors' => array(
'title' => __( 'Dynamic Descriptor', 'woo-payment-gateway' ),
'type' => 'title',
'description' => __(
'<i><b>Note:</b> Descriptors are not required. Braintree will send your business name by default and we recommend you leave these values blank to prevent transaction errors if you enter a descriptor name incorrectly.</i> Dynamic descriptors are sent on a per-order basis and define what will appear on your customers\' credit card statements for a specific purchase.
The clearer the description of your product, the less likely customers will issue chargebacks due to confusion or non-recognition. ',
'enabled' => array(
'type' => 'checkbox',
'title' => __( 'Enabled', 'woo-payment-gateway' ),
'default' => 'no',
'desc_tip' => true,
'description' => __( 'If enabled, your custom descriptors will be used in transactions.', 'woo-payment-gateway' ),
'descriptor_name' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'title' => __( 'Descriptor Name', 'woo-payment-gateway' ),
'default' => '',
'value' => '',
'description' => __(
'The value in the business name field of a customer\'s statement. Company name/DBA section must be
either 3, 7 or 12 characters and the product descriptor can be up to 18, 14, or 9 characters respectively (with an * in between for a total descriptor name of 22 characters). <b>Example:</b> company*my product',
'descriptor_phone' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'title' => __( 'Descriptor Phone', 'woo-payment-gateway' ),
'value' => '',
'default' => '',
'class' => '',
'description' => __(
'The value in the phone number field of a customer\'s statement. Phone must be 10-14 characters and can
only contain numbers, dashes, parentheses and periods.',
'custom_attributes' => array( 'maxlength' => 22 ),
'descriptor_url' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'title' => __( 'Descriptor URL', 'woo-payment-gateway' ),
'maxlength' => 13,
'value' => '',
'default' => '',
'class' => '',
'description' => __( 'The value in the URL/web address field of a customer\'s statement. The URL must be 13 characters or shorter. <b>Example:</b> company.com', 'woo-payment-gateway' ),
'custom_attributes' => array( 'maxlength' => 13 ),