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defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit();
if ( ! class_exists( 'WC_Braintree_Advanced_Settings_API' ) ) {
class WC_Braintree_Merchant_Account_Settings extends WC_Braintree_Advanced_Settings_API {
public function __construct() {
$this->id = 'braintree_merchant_account';
$this->tab_title = __( 'Merchant Accounts', 'woo-payment-gateway' );
$this->braintree_documentation_id = 'merchant-accounts';
$this->settings['merchant_environment'] = wc_braintree_environment();
public function enqueue_admin_scripts() {
braintree()->assets_path() . 'js/admin/merchant-settings.js',
public function get_localized_params() {
return array_merge(
'_wpnonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'wp_rest' ),
'routes' => array( 'merchant_account' => braintree()->rest_api->merchant_account->rest_url() . 'merchant-accounts' ),
public function init_form_fields() {
$this->form_fields = apply_filters(
'merchant_accounts' => array(
'type' => 'title',
'title' => __( 'Merchant Accounts', 'woo-payment-gateway' ),
'description' => __(
'Merchant Accounts determine which currencies you can accept in your Braintree account.
The merchant account ID is a unique identifier for a specific merchant account in your gateway, and is used to specify which merchant account to use when creating a transaction.',
'merchant_environment' => array(
'title' => __( 'Environment', 'woo-payment-gateway' ),
'type' => 'select',
'class' => 'wc-enhanced-select',
'options' => array(
'production' => __( 'Production', 'woo-payment-gateway' ),
'sandbox' => __( 'Sandbox', 'woo-payment-gateway' ),
'default' => 'production',
'production_merchant_accounts' => array(
'title' => __( 'Production Merchant Accounts', 'woo-payment-gateway' ),
'type' => 'merchant_account',
'default' => array(),
'environment' => 'production',
'button_text' => __( 'Add Production Account', 'woo-payment-gateway' ),
'environment_text' => __( 'Production', 'woo-payment-gateway' ),
'custom_attributes' => array( 'data-show-if' => array( 'merchant_environment' => 'production' ) ),
'sandbox_merchant_accounts' => array(
'title' => __( 'Sandbox Merchant Accounts', 'woo-payment-gateway' ),
'type' => 'merchant_account',
'default' => array(),
'environment' => 'sandbox',
'button_text' => __( 'Add Sandbox Account', 'woo-payment-gateway' ),
'environment_text' => __( 'Sandbox', 'woo-payment-gateway' ),
'custom_attributes' => array( 'data-show-if' => array( 'merchant_environment' => 'sandbox' ) ),
'instructions' => array(
'type' => 'title',
'description' => include braintree()->plugin_path() . 'includes/admin/views/merchant-account-instructions.php',
public function generate_merchant_account_html( $key, $data ) {
$field_key = $this->get_field_key( $key );
$data = wp_parse_args(
'environment' => '',
'desc_tip' => false,
'button_text' => '',
include braintree()->plugin_path() . 'includes/admin/views/merchant-account-template.php';
return ob_get_clean();
public function validate_merchant_account_field( $key, $value ) {
$value = empty( $value ) ? array() : $value;
$old_value = $this->get_option( $key );
$value = $this->validate_multiselect_field( $key, $value );
$old_value = is_string( $old_value ) ? array() : $old_value;
ksort( $old_value );
ksort( $value );
if ( ! empty( $value ) && ( $old_value != $value ) ) {
try {
$env = strpos( $key, 'sandbox' ) === false ? 'production' : 'sandbox';
$gateway = new \Braintree\Gateway( wc_braintree_connection_settings( $env ) );
$accounts_iterator = $gateway->merchantAccount()->all();
foreach ( $value as $currency => $account ) {
$exists = false;
foreach ( $accounts_iterator as $merchant_account ) {
if ( $merchant_account->id === $account ) {
$iso_code = @$merchant_account->currencyIsoCode ? $merchant_account->currencyIsoCode : '';
if ( ! empty( $iso_code ) && $iso_code !== $currency ) {
throw new Exception( sprintf( __( 'Merchant account error: <b>%1$s</b> is the correct currency for merchant account <b>%2$s</b>. You entered <b>%3$s</b>.', 'woo-payment-gateway' ), $merchant_account->currencyIsoCode, $merchant_account->id, $currency ) );
$exists = true;
if ( ! $exists ) {
throw new Exception( sprintf( __( 'Merchant account error: %1$s is not a valid merchant account in your %2$s environment.', 'woo-payment-gateway' ), $account, $env ) );
} catch ( \Braintree\Exception $e ) {
throw new Exception( sprintf( __( 'Error fetching your merchant accounts from Braintree for validation. Exception: %1$s', 'woo-payment-gateway' ), get_class( $e ) ) );
return $value;